Coucou mes Amis!!!
After my gratuation,I just take time to rest a bit because my RL drive me crazy this last time!!!
But I am always practicing in order to imporve more and more. I joined the international contest at CWS for being Miss France loool not sure to win but always good to participate on it.
I hope to represent France and sure the mode there. I will let you know about the news no worries about it!!!!!!
Yesterday was Blue Dome formation, I went with some of my claasmate, Lisana taught us how to walk during show. I loved it like always !!! I will a bit away begining september yes RL will be a bit more intense for me bcause I am moving to Cannes. I will share with you the last pictures that I took from Second Life.
Our sweet Lisana ;)
Pam, Cael and me on Runway!!!!! we loook greatttt hein lol
I will be back soon my friends
Maggie Spires
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