mercredi 24 août 2011

I was at Kimmera and Frolic Show soooo AMAZING!!!!!!!

Bonsoir mes amis !!!!!!

Tonight I was invited by my friend Ponchituti at the show of Kimmera and frolic and I can told you something it was AMAZING!!!!! ROUGE THEME my favorite color hiiiii it was crazy lot of people and sure TV was there

I am just dreaming now. I WANT TO WEAR THAT IN RL!!!!!! Please. Iwanted to share with you this wonderful fashion show. Mode is exactly what I saw during the show.
I went with my friend at patch thibeau auditorium the biggest theather of sl and the Holliwood of fashion!!!
I applause all the work of all artist, Thank you for this wonderful show !!!!!

Kimmera and Frolic

Look all Red dresses and clothes

More Pictures ? yes i know you want it lool

Bisous bisous

Maggie Spires

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